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Global Warming

What is Global warming?Why is it such an important Global Concern?

Global Warming is the gradual increase in temperature of the Earths Atmosphere  . This generally comes into play with the Greenhouse Effect. It is caused by the increase of carbon Dioxides,chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants released into the air by none other then ourselves.

Global Warming has become an increasingly serious threat to man kind and the Earth. The Earths Atmosphere is increasing in temperature gradually and at the moment its beyond a degree that some species cant handle soon enough to a degree that even us Humans cant handle. Global Warming is Altering or eliminating species habitats and decreasing food sources, causing droughts and have brought upon dangerously severe weather events.

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How you can help

There are so many ways one can help and contribute fix this Global Concern. We caused this because of our selfless acts of polluting the air. We are the only ones that can fix this. The fate of Humanity lies in our hands. It is depending on us, this generation and future generations of people to help and fix this problem. You can start off by going to out Contacts page and looking at Pages that help and donate to Wildlife funds to help animals in the arctic who will soon become endangered and then soon extinct . You can also Help by protesting to your government that this is a serious problem and is not a hoax. This is problem that needs to be dealt with. Start by maybe walking more instead of using a car to reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide your releasing into the air, Share this with  your friends and family too. 





What are the effects of Global warming?

This serious threat to the Earth and Man kind we call ,Global Warming is showing its effects and things that will happen in the future if we don't deal with it starting now.  All the effects of this are serious but this one has to be one of the  more severe ones that will affect the human race . In the Arctic and Antarctic as the temperature rises the sea ice that some species like Penguins, The Pacific Walrus and Ribbon Seals use as a plat form that their lives depend on is melting. Their existence is hanging on by a thread because of the meting ice that is melting quickly. They depend on the ice for hunting,reproducing, resting, living. Without it their species will go extinct. The Polar bear is known to be frequently talked about animal when it comes to the arctic ​and antarctic melting being their population is starting to decrease rapidly. If the West and East and Greenland Ice sheets all melt Water levels would increase more than 213 feet.



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