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I am Angel, I am currently in 8th grade and i'm a student Athlete.People usually say i'm really tall for my age and other times they claim that I look 18 when I’m really not, even though they don’t believe me! I am very  athletic and play sports such as Baseball and Basketball. But I prefer Baseball more, not only do I like sports but I like animals as well. Lately for the past couple of years Global Warming has been affecting the population of living species. Slowley species of animals have been dying off! And nobody's doing anything about it , these animals need our help !


I am Lisbeth and I am a 13 year old 8th grade student at Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy. I enjoy art and Softball on my free time. My own Personal beliefs are that one should always be optimistic in the worst situations and that being happy is a state of mind not a physical state. I enjoy seeing people in a happy state of mind and enjoy people taking care of the planet we live on, Earth. Which is why the topic of Global Warming is important to me. It ha become a serious Global concern that needs to be delt with. This does not affect certain people, it affects us all.

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